Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Meditation Buddha

Bought this. Put it at the top of my stairs. It makes me very happy.
Workin on feng shui'ing the place...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Feng Shui Wealth Sector

I'm again addicted to incense. Mostly just Herb and Earth ones. They smell the best and have the least amount of smoke.
Feng shui and energy rocks and incense make me happy. They make me and  Mike happy. Meditation and peace is what we seek for 2013. I cant wait to start to bond with the love of my life with meditation. I love him so much. And I love that we can seek peace and harmony together.
Right now I am wafting in the aroma of lavender incense in my office area. Lighting lavender brings in wealth. I have made my office in our wealth sector. It is now organized and the chi energy can move smoothly through here. We have plants which is life and we have everything we need for this sector.
I just created this office space and play room for my one year old to hang out in here with me. It is working out AMAZINGLY!!!!!!!
Lovin life for the first time ever.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Rachel's First Birthday Party

Thanks to Julia planning her daughter's first birthday party FIVE months in advance, it made me start thinking about Rachel's... EIGHT months in advance.  Since she was born on Haloween, we all call her our little Punkin. So the obvious choice in theme is "Little Pumpkin." I also call her my little cupcake because she is so scrumptious and sweet and I just wanna eat her up! So I was thinking, "Little Cupcake theme" Here are my ideas:

cupcake dress
Lil Pumkin Invite

This is my exact bedspread

Breakfast at Tiffany’s:
We can do breakfast, obviously…croissants
This theme is probably better for a bridal shower, but its different.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Client requested reds, blues, and greens...

click on the label "painting" to view all my paintings

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Take a look at this shoe. If you are a logical person, the first thought that comes to your mind is whether this is a practical shoe, can the person walk in it, where would they wear it to? Which probably means you aren't too much fun! When I look at this shoe, the first thought that came to me was how the there are many textures that clash yet compliment each other. The rubber soles that remind me of sneakers, the canvas that gives you a hint of summer, and the black leather which combined with the summer part of the shoe, helps transition from winter to spring/summer.  Second thought I had was "what inspired this designer to create this shoe?"  They must have seen something that had those swirls. Or maybe saw something that had that contrast like clams or turtles how they have that hard shell and soft inside. Or a wrought iron gate that overlooks a garden. The contrast of the hard black swilrly gate into the soft playful garden. To me this shoe is art. And also functional because it looks comfortable and seems easy to walk in and dance in hence the sneaker sole. Wedge shoes are easier to walk in than heels anyway. The only reason I wouldn't be the best person to wear that shoe though is because my ankles are too fat for them. Shoes that come all the way to the ankle like that make the ankles look even bigger. And I don't need to be called cankles.

Now take a look at this picture of NYC. Tell me the shoe doesn't almost completely represent that city. Not only do the colors match, but that is the city where one could wear those shoes and be envied. A sexy black dress, preferably one shoulder exposed. I will attach some black dresses. You choose which one is your favorite to be paired with the shoes. Look closely. They are 3 different dresses, materials, and fits.

Option a. loose fitting. very short. Compliments the casual side of the shoe.
Option b. Similar dress. Nicer material. A lot more dressed up especially since it is a little longer. Notice they even styled her hair a little more dressed up for evening wear.
Option c. Long sleeved. This dress looks like it should be paired with black high heels. But that's why I like to contrast style a little and pair it with shoes that would shock you. Like fuchsia or red, or the pair in this blog. Maybe even add a stylish belt to it.
love this shoe.

But these are just my opinions. My choices. I probably am not the norm. I think I would choose option a. The shoe is kind of sporty so I would pair it with a sporty loose dress to dance the night away in.

Tell me what you think....